Do they need rescuing as much as me? Photo by David Heiling on Unsplash

The adventures of solo traveling

Andrea Della Monica
2 min readJan 12, 2024


…in the nebulous arena of animal rescue

Lately I have been click baited to believe that doing meaningful animal rescue is readily available abroad.

Volunteering in a remote village with pre-designed work tasks with the goal of “making a difference” may be a possibility.

The world is uncertain and time is ever ticking and when that internal alarm goes off and says: DO THIS NOW OR NEVER, it is hard to hit the snooze button.

But when the dust settles on every good intention, reality seeps in. Rescue opportunities attract as many scammers as do-gooders.

The pictures of abused and endangered elephants are powerful. Google them. Yes, I want to go to a Thailand sanctuary and feed them fresh vegetables and shovel dung. Sign me up. Hit submit.

Then the phone calls begin from individuals with non-American accents who follow up on the online applications. The urgency is apparent for helping hands or is for helping dollars. The verdict is not in yet.

Is cynicism healthy or a shackle?

As a thinking person who has been victimized by credit card scams and identity theft I am jaded?

Working from within a non-profit has shown me that transparency is a thin facade. There are the principles and mission statements and then there is the bottom line.

Traveling solo gives you a critical eye into your own self — your fears, your strengths, and your weaknesses. I am abundantly aware of this have gone to Costa Rica with a group, but ventured often on my own.

Then there is the guilt — always the guilt — about leaving family and friends behind to spend weeks away across the world. Does the “every person can make a difference” theory hold water?

I want 2024 to be my year to decide that I need to be rescued from my indecision.



Andrea Della Monica

A creative nonfiction writer, Andrea is the author of Eleanor's Letters, a novella. When she is not writing, she enjoys off-roading, yoga, dogs, and nature.